Monday, May 6, 2024
If you have had the privilege of growing up in a small town you have been truly blessed. Vacation Bible School at a community church, getting an ice cream cone at the dairy, swimming at the public pool, a Little League baseball game, such are the pleasures of living life in a small town when the season turns to summer.
Little League baseball officially started. It was the first time for my daughter and son in law’s oldest son to march in a parade. Able to wear his favorite color, he looked handsome and so happy to be with his baseball team. Aiming candy at his brother, he proudly marched in a red ball cap and red baseball shirt.
Our younger grandson, not yet old enough to play in T-ball, had a small backpack with him to stash any candy thrown his way. But the treasure of gathering sweets was quickly forgotten when our wide-eyed, big smiley-faced grandson saw the police car. A quick siren and then it flashed brightly with multi-colored lights. My grandson was in awe, but, kept shouting firetruck. Then a golf cart drove slowly by and our little grandson wanted a ride. “Take me,” he still called after the golf cart was down the block.
Papaw and I laughed because he was so excited about the vehicles that he forgot about the candy. However, there was plenty left to pick up. Friendly older kids helped him gather some, too.
Who enjoyed the parade more? Was it the youngest or the oldest? Maybe it was both. They discovered a parade can be a lot of fun. It is always an enjoyable small town attraction.
On the porch with a good ole cup of coffee while enjoying the birds visiting the feeders and keeping an eye on the hanging flower baskets. Wishing you the best memories a summer season can bring. Slow down long enough to savor the warm sunshine and simple summer pleasures with your neighbors, family, and friends.
Turning to The Word of God which becomes more and more precious to me as each day goes by, it says in Ecclesiastes chapter 3 that,
“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” May you slow down long enough to experience that purpose and not just focus on work.
The pleasant summer goes in a hurry. Cherish the season. God wants it that way.
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