Monday, July 1, 2024
“The faithful love of the Lord never ends.His mercies never cease. Great is His faithfulness; His mercies begin afresh every morning.” Lamentations 3:22-24 is a reminder that life is sometimes hard but God is good.
Lynn's Daughter's cat Twila
Paying property taxes and an unexpected medical bill is enough to make me testy. Like a cat who sticks her sharp claws into your leg for attention, bills are never fun to pay, but you still better pet the cat. Fortunately, the cat paws me most of the time to get attention which I happen to think is cute.
Reflecting on the new month ahead I cannot help but wonder what is in store for our family, and the whole country financially. More businesses have closed and grocery prices continue to stay high.
My favorite fitness center near my house closed with only a few days notice last week. For me this was a set back to a workout routine that was starting to get results. Almost daily for several months water walking and other exercises in the arthritic swimming pool have improved my health.
We have this wonderful reminder in Lamentations 3 that God’s mercies abound, and never end, even when the fitness center closes or bills are hard to pay. The struggles are real but we know our God is faithful and mercies begin afresh like a new pot of morning coffee.
We must train ourselves to look for those mercies and cherish the start of each new day with them.
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